Friday, August 31, 2012

Day 62:

Aug 31-Abhanga, India, abbc, deef, etc. 6,6,6,4 syllables.Title: Music
Music is joy defined
Bring out the peaceful sound
Or for a beat just pound,
The rhythm reaches out.

Harmony, Melody
Reaching out to the ear
There’s nothing here to fear
Come join the festival.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Day 61:

Aug 30-Naga Uta/Choka, Asian haiku-like form, 5/7/5/7/5/7/5/7/7

Peaceful beginnings
But wrongdoings enter life
Then murder begins
Evildoers are abound
Wash them all away
Now start all over again
The Patriarch walk
Traveling to a new land
Genesis for God’s people.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Day 60:

Aug 29-Pathya Vat, Cambodia, 4 lines, 4 syllables, abbc, dcce, etc
Here is my title, Peace is not here:

Peace is not here.
What can be done?
Can it be won?
And can we know?

It must be us
Inside we show
To others go
And share ourselves.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Day 59:

Aug 28- Utendi, a Swahli form of Tendi. Pattern: aaab, 8 syllables, title: Something New
The Music of the Spheres seems wrong
Something new comes, it won’t be long
I seem to hear a brand new song.
A new age is about to start!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Day 58:

Aug 27-Kyrielle, aabb abab aabb abab(8 syllables)French, originally religious rites, then troubadors
Title:What is to be found?
What is it to be found that’s true?
What can be found when life is through?
The search goes on life’s meaning
Look above for what’s revealing.

Universal Law is the glue
From nothing everything did spring
From the Word, everything was new
Newborn, the universe did sing.

Above it all, the angels flew
They sang praises, so should me and you
Of God’s goodness, all praises ring
With the Lord’s commands, we should cling.

Disciples, there seem to be few
True worshippers for souls fishing
Judgment comes for everyone too
True Christians should be inviting.

Day 57:

Aug 26-Trimeric, ABCD, Bef, Cgh, Dij, 1st line copied. not rhymed.Dr. Charles Stone. Title:Trimeric
How do you make a Trimeric?
Dr. Stone will show you the way.
Start with the phrase ABCD,
Tercets will follow each main line.

Dr. Stone will show you the way.
No rhyme, Bef, and the same,
And there is no formal meter

Start with the phrase ABCD,
Each cap will then start their own phrase
They copy what was shown at the first.

Tercets will follow each main line.
Each line explains the tercet’s path
And now a Trimeric  you’ve made!

Day 56:

Aug 25-Terza Rima, tercets(aba bcb cdc end in aa) Italian.,typically iambic pentameter.
Title: The Sand
The patterns in the sand ripple and glow
The waves then wash the flow of time away
My footprints disappear, so where’d they go?

The sands of life, truly not long they stay
Before the ocean covers it like paint
It swallows up the brightness of the day.

No matter, if as sinner or as saint
The tides roll on, the sand has turned to naught
And if one’s life was built on sand, they’d faint,

Because the loss has shown what they now know
Without the rock, like sand, they must now go.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Day 55:

Aug 24-Rime Royale, iambic pentameter, ababbcc., olde Englishe, Chaucer noted.
Title:Rime Royale
A Rime Royale requires Iambic Rhyme
To write this poem takes a bit of wit
To write this you will need a little time
Ababbcc rhythms fit
Old English Chaucer long ago thus writ
So if you want to try your hand right here
Just put your words together without fear.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Day 54:

Aug 23-Shairi, Swahili, any # of stanzas, 4 lines, 8 syllables, end in vowels, all lines rhyme, ie aaaa, abab, aabb. Title: Do you know?
Do you know know where to go?
Getting lost and you do not know?
Perhaps a map will help to show
Then just follow the traffic flow.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Day 53:

Aug 22-Triolet, ABaAabAB. Triolets repeat A &B, 2 rhymes, a & b, French. Title: What time is it?

So what time is it anyway?
It is time to go back to work.
And it will be a busy day.
So what time is it anyway?
It is vey late in the day.
There is simply no time to shirk.
So what time is it anyway?
It is time to go back to work.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Day 52:

Aug 21- I noticed that many of my poems haven't had titles as I go through this challenge. Perhaps I will take care of this later, perhaps finding the time to put titles on future poems. Perhaps. 
RUSTAVELIAN/SHAIRI-Russian, aaaa, bbbb, etc.15 or 16 syllables, all rhymes 2 or 3 syllables.
This poetic style is called Rustavelian, and it is Russian.
All phrases rhyming with four lines, bring a poetic impression.
With up to sixteen syllables, puts a poet to depression.
This Shairi hopefully will not cause a creative suppression.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Day 51;

Aug 20-Roundelet, AbAabbA form. A has 4 syllables, B has 8. Capital letters mean exact wording. French
Summer of Peace
Take a break from crime and the grind
Summer of peace
Then stress can cease
Go away from it all to find
A place when there is peace of mind
Summer of peace.

Day 50:

Aug 19-Serventesio, 8 syllables, abba, typically used as farewell notes.
Poem in memory of a 100 year old Christian woman.
She made a difference, she’s missed
In heaven now, in pain no more
A true Christian, dear to the core
Mother, sister, good deeds her list.

Day 50:

Aug 19-Serventesio, 8 syllables, abba, typically used as farewell notes.
Poem in memory of a 100 year old Christian woman.
She made a difference, she’s missed
In heaven now, in pain no more
A true Christian, dear to the core
Mother, sister, good deeds her list.

Day 49:

Aug 18-Redondilla, Trochee, or Iambic rhythm,  8 syllables.  abba.
To walk away from you is sad
I miss you dear, I always will
Despite goodbyes, I love you still
Regretting the loss I once had.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Day 48:

Aug 17-The weekend brings new things. Here is another poem. See what patterns were used to make it.


Travel and Life
In time and space
Markers do show
The passages.

In peace or strife
We plod or race
But do we know
The passages?

Husband an d wife
Children we face
In time does flow
The passages.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Day 47:

Aug 16-Ottama Rima, abababcc, all in Iambic Pentameter.
I miss the sight of your enchanting face
To see you gone has made me feel so blue
Your eyes, your voice, the warmth of your embrace
If only I could know our love was true
But something took away our loving grace
And tore apart what can’t be fixed with glue
My dear, I’ll always miss you throughout life
I’ll never know what caused the source of strife.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Day 46:

Aug 15-Muyaka, Kenyan, aaab, 16 syllables, typically in Swahili
“What can one do with 16 syllables?” Is something one may ask.
A Muyaka is a poem that can help you do your task.
With an aaab rhyme scheme, you can relax your work and bask
This Kenyan style is easy unless you do it in Swahili.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Day 45:

Aug 14-Little Willie, also known as a Ruthless Rhyme. Couplet/Quatrain (aabb) with humor/tragedy. Typically uses the name little Willy in the poem.

Had to watch for Little Willie
Never met someone so silly
A python pet for goodness sake
Yes, he was eaten by the snake.

Day 44:

Aug 13-This being the thirteenth, some people may be superstitious. There’s a lot on the net of different things, making one wonder. Good things, bad things. Reading through some blogs, one gets the idea that some bloggers are only doing this to make themselves feel important. Why not use the technology to help others? I was challenged to write a poem every day for a year and post it on this blog as proof. Can’t there be a way to do that and help people? Teaching experience has become almost automatic, so this forum allows the opportunity to show the different forms available, and hopefully an opportunity to help struggling poets to find ways to improve their craft. I’m not perfect. Not every poem is a gem. But perhaps perfect practice produces perfect poetry. I welcome any input to improving the craft. Even opening up a can of worms by sharing this email address:
Enough of this, now a poem. See what patterns are used to make this.(#11,401)
Thinking outside the box:
What box do we live in?
Comforted by constant constraints.
Prejudices, pride
Educational limits
Close to home
Few friends
What is outside the box?
Scary things
Wonderful things
Humbling things
Challenging things
A world of travel
A world of experience
A world of education
A world of acquaintances
Thinking outside the box
Don’t just stay within the lines
Broaden you opinions
Yet stay within one’s principles.
Learn a new language
Learn about nature
Learn a new skill
Learn from another
What is keeping you in your box?
Climb out your box
Stretch your arms
Breathe in the air
And start a new life.
Fill the box
With new things
To accompany
The old
You already have.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Day 43:

Aug 12-Lai, French, 3 phrases(Virelais)

Take three Virelais

Make it the right size

It’s fun.

5 5 2 and rise

The Lai, analyze

Make one.

Don’t matter, your tries

Aab applies

You’re done.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Day 42:

Aug 11-Virelai, French, 5,5,2 syllables,aab-
Here’s a Virelai
Aab and bye.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Day 41:

Aug 10-Chasushka, Russian doggerel, abab, or abcb, or aabb, 7,8,7,8 or 8,7,8,6, or 5,7,5,10

Why pick on the poor democrats?

Look who is the President?

With the economy right now

They’ll lose by a big dent!

Day 40:

Aug 9-Libbonelle, -aBCD Befg Chij Dklm. B,C,D lines repeated. Each stanza describes the first line.

So how do you make a libbonele?

A Libbonelle is a special poem.

Yes, a special pattern is followed

It’s easy, anyone can do it.

A Libbonelle is a special poem.

It doesn’t require a strict rhythm

It doesn’t need a special meter

Just follow the pattern as described.

Yes, a special pattern is followed

Start with aBCD as a phrase.

B starts the next phrase with e,f,g.

C and D follow the same pattern.

It’s easy, anyone can do it.

While this poem has nine syllables

You can pick and choose your very own.

And now make a Libbonelle, yourself.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Day 39:

Aug 8-Ghazal, Arab, Last word/phrase 2nd line repeated, Radif(rat-diff), last line  writer’s name,Makhta(mock-tah).5 couplets..aB*cB*aB*dB*e<name>B*.  B* = last part of  line repeated. “all that Jazz” repeated. Pentameter.
The music plays again and yet again
From classical to pop and all that Jazz.
The stirring of the soul, that rhythm rocks!
Oh yeah, I like the blues and all that jazz!
So whether if it’s from Artie or Glenn
Or Duke or Basie, it’s still all that jazz.
The Admiral and doc can blow their horns!
Oh yes, it’s great to play out all that jazz!
I close this poem on that blessed sound
By Arthur Rider, take on all that jazz.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Day 38:

Aug 7-

Limerick- from Ireland, 8 syllables 1,2 & last line, 3rd line 5 syllables.  aabba.

The cat in the hat, he’s all that

But lately he’s been getting fat

Give Garfield his due, even Heathcliff too

But my dog could knock them all flat.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Day 37:

Aug 6-
Pliedes-1 word title, 1st letter describes 7 terms/words/phrases.
Sizable nap
Set to rest
So relaxed
Some Z’s for catching
Sawing logs
Slowly counting forty winks.

Day 36:

August 5-Lento, - 4 lined poem. abcb. Every line same letter or rhyme
Lentos have likeable lines
Lines all start with the same letter
Look at the phrase, a b c b
Like it? Then try and do better!

Day 35:

August 4-Twin Etheree. Aabbccddeeffgghhiijj rhyme. 1-10 syllables .(#11,367)
The toy
Build a ranch
Sit in the sun
Building is fun
Children of mountains
Can you build fountains?
From pebbles to boulders
Blueprints in the folders
Rolling around by a mouse
Come build yourself a nice house
It is not just another stone
Paint the walls? Us another tone.
Hard as hail, yes beware the storm
Build a flat, maybe a nice dorm
Nature’s bricks to sand, they can make you scratch.
Materials, now what plan can you hatch?

Friday, August 3, 2012

Day 34:

August 3-the Greeks developed specific poetic forms. One is the EPITHALAMIUM-Wedding & anniversary form, abcb, syllables 10,7,9,14
Here is an example:
Another Anniversary for you?
May this note help it to be
A most pleasant one to celebrate.
May you have  a truly wonderful anniversary!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Day 33:

August 2-A sonnet was submitted to a writing contest. iambic pentameter.  abab, cdcd, efef, gg 


What be thine own Fantasy?

I ask, so What be thine own Fantasy?

Enchanted Isles? Or rampant castle knights?

Tis maidens in peril from treachery?

Or vampires and were-beasts in such brute fights?

Or dost thou bringst romance truly divine?

Perhaps adventure with benevolence

Or quests thou hast sought for such a sign.

Perhaps fighting beasts so omnipotent

That powerful artifacts tis can heal

A wounded soul thus beaten by the beast

Or thieves driven from poverty to steal

Or time of solstice for slavery ceased.

The music, so infinite as words do

From fact, memory, legend, myth tis true.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Day 32:

August 1. For those who haven’t paid attention, they may think only traditional poetry is written here.
Try this for size:
 PUSLOGH VAGH-non traditional, Klingon. 5 line verse, 4-10 syllables. Stressed=stronghold. At least 2 per line. Each line key vowel, a,e,i,o,u.
Are you fit for the pit?
Move ahead or you’re dead
If you’re mad, just attack
When you’re hot, let them rot
It is fun, then you’re done.