Friday, November 30, 2012

Day 153:

Nov 30-The last day of the month. November has reached its’ termination. Morbid perhaps, but reality reveals our mortality. Most of us live like a coin. We enter the world heads first, then the rest of our lives our feet are in the grave. The tail end of our lives is waiting. We live on the edge of the coin of life, waiting for it to fall. In the spirit of this time of the month, this poem. Title: Last Day
What will you do on your last day?
What are the last words that you’ll say?
Life is fleeting, death comes our way
Did you think forever you’d stay?
Prepare to close this one act play
For we are nothing but the clay
The potter has made for today.
So live aright in sunshine’s ray
Sing praises and also to pray
This may sound gloomy, the skies grey
One day the bill comes we’re to pay
What will you do on your last day?

Day 152:

Nov 29-Cyhydedd fer, a stanzaic Awdl. Couplets in rhymed 8 syllable lines. Less used by Welsh who prefer 7 syllable lines.  Often multiplied into long stanzas all carrying  same rhyme. Celtic.
The Cyhydedd fer is: written in any number of rhymed couplets. made up of 8 syllable lines.rhymed aa bb cc dd etc. can be used as a series of couplet stanzas similar to the ghazal, or as a header or tail with other forms ie. Toddaid. Can be expanded by using last word of previous stanza to be first word of next stanza/couplet.
Cyhydedd fer couplets do work
Eight syllables each make it perk.

Perk up to make it longer still
Stressed or non-stressed syllables fill.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Day 151:

Nov 28-Tawddgyrch Cadwynog, one of the Celtic Awdl forms. written in any number of quatrains. Each quatrain can become one line, or 2 lines. syllabic, of 4 syllable lines. rhymed, rhyme scheme ABBC. chained, last word of the stanza is 1st word of  next stanza. an alternative frame is that this meter can be written similar to rhupunt in a single line that can be flexible and include 3, 4 or 5 sections of 4 syllables each rather than be limited to only 4 sections or the quatrain as shown above. XXXAXXXBXXXBXXXA

XXXAXXXBXXXBXXXA. Can be broken down into various lines.
Cadwynog here, Tawddgyrch for you; Four lines to d, syllables cheer
Count four, you’re near, here is a clue; ab’s the glue, reverse, you’re clear!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Day 150:

Nov 27-Arabic Takhmis on an earlier poem about writer’s block. The last lines come from that poem.

A dark curse to all writers; a writer’s block causes great pain.
The mind stumbles and falls down flat; even thinking is a huge strain.
So what causes this terrible toll? It is an ache to me poor brain.
I just had that old writer’s block, why not write about my brain lock?

There are treatments to help writers, things to set the mind truly free.
The inner editor at ease, creativity then can see
Tis a temporary trouble, yes, it even happened to me.
If you ever have writer’s block, hang in there, you can write again.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Day 149:

Nov 26-Takhmis, Arabic or Sahili versions. Typically lyrical or narrative devotion/meditation. Arabic: 2 phrases of 5 hemistichs, last 2 adapted on earlier poem. Aaaax bbbbx where x is unrhymed. Swahili no limit to phrases. At least 15 syllables. The Swahili form was chosen for today. Title: Symbols
Symbols of devotion; writing all those love notes
Symbols of loving care; laying on the ground coats
Symbols of pure romance; rowing along in boats
Observe the loving pair, romance is in the air.

Actions of devotion; easy for one to see
Actions of pure romance; writing love poetry
Actions of loving care; a kiss we all agree
Will show one passionate, toward someone they love.

Day 148:

Nov 25-Parolina, take a nursery rhyme, break each line down, adding 3 lines to make quatrain phrases, sometimes using a poem from another poet, then expanding each line into a quatrain. Title: Itsy Bitsy Spider
The itsy bitsy spider climbed up the water spout
The tiny arachnid was determined to reach home
A place to rest and a place to care for its’ own young
But in order to feed the young ones one had to roam.

Down came the rain and washed the spider out
The deluge of water caused such a flood
The torrent carried the bug far away
And the poor spider landed in the mud.

Out came the sun and dried up all the rain
The warmth calmed the spider and gave it hope
The renewed bug crawled out of the dried mud
And sped towards the angled metal slope.

And the itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again
The tiny arachnid hoped to see its young safe and sound
Certain that the little ones would be anxious with hunger
On the way, the spider brought along food that it had found.

Day 147:

Nov 24-Shi, Chinese form, typically 5 or 7 syllables. 4 or 8 lines. Even numbered lines rhyme. Caesura before last 3 syllables. Starting with second couplet, verbal parallelism.
What is a Shi? Chinese verse.
Count up the sounds. Odd per line.
Syllables count. Seven, sure
Perhaps five will do. Make your sign.
Even lines will rhyme. Couplets work.
Four or eight lines rhyme, pairs are fine.
A caesura stops. Three finish.
Try to make yours great. This is mine.

Day 146:

Nov 23-Abecedarian, acrostic where letters begin each line, see Psalm 119. Sections can start with the same letter, not necessary to rhyme. No set syllable count, dependent entirely upon the poet. Psalm Abecedarian poetry uses parallelism, repeating in a similar wording the basic text.
Another poem for you
Because it must be set true
Conditions must be set right
Decide to set the mood light.
Every line need not rhyme
Fitting syllables in time
Get letters prepared to go
Have your fine alphabet show
Interesting enjambment
Killing time? Go ahead then
Let the poet use the pen.
Many poems can be writ
Not many like this can fit
Opposing forces like to
Press their advantage on you.
Questions arise to hinder
Rise above the black cinder
Stay the course, you’re almost done
The alphabet can be won.
Umbrellas cover the head
Very wet if you’re in bed!
What a sound there in the band
Xylophones give them a hand.
You’re done now so take a break
Zoo trips are fun trips to take!

Day 145:

Nov 22-Thanksgiving. Here’s a poem celebrating this holiday. Title: Thanksgiving
Celebrating remembrance
Caring family
Clinking glasses
Carving meat
Classic dishes
Cheering sports
Children playing.
Can you think of other blessings?
A time to be thankful.
So much has been given
So much has been provided
Satisfied by the past’s sacrifice
Sanctified by faithful fathers
Suckled by loving mothers
Seek to remember while feasting.
Start preparing for one’s own posterity.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Day 144:

Nov 21- D.S. Teller states in the book “Fun with Poetry” that the Quatrain is another basic poetic form. Most song ballads use this 4 line form as phrases in their lyrics. It can be aaaa, aabb, abba, abab, abac, abbc, aabc, aaab, abbb, or an unrhymed abcd. Here’s an example.

A quatrain or two
Or three or some more
Can make a song true
What else is it for?

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Nov 20- D.S. Teller states in the book “Fun with Poetry” that theTercet is another basic poetic form. This 3 lined form can be used as stand-alone poems like Haikus and Englyns, or used as phrases in larger poems. Some song lyrics use linked tercets; aab ccb. Tercets can be monorhymed, ie. aaa, or aab, aba, abb, or unrhymed abc. Here is an example.
A fine rhyme
Taken in time
Not costing a dime.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Day 142:

Nov 19-D.S. Teller states in the book “Fun with Poetry” that the couplet is one of the basic forms for all poetry. With few exceptions, this is true. 3 line poems and specially designed quatrains, and the few 1 line poems aside, the couplet is the backbone of poetry. Many song lyrics use this form. Most couplets rhyme. Poems built upon this foundation abound. So, in honor of the couplet, here is a small contribution.
This is how you write a line
Try to make it really fine.

Day 141:

Nov 18- RONSARDIAN ODE-ababccddc, syllables a&c=10,b&d=4,last line 8, from Pierre Ronsard
An ode by Pierre Ronsard here for you
Poetic rhyme
Ababccdd starts true
Just take your time
A and c ten syllables you can see
B and d four syllables are set free
And the last line
Unique and fine
Eight syllabled c close, now flee!

Day 140:

Nov 17-Shaped poems. Yes, a poem can make a shape. Here is one.
A                                                  A
A    place to store your goodies.     A
A      spot for collecting things       A
A      location to hide treasures      A
A      BOX!                                   A
A                                                  A

Friday, November 16, 2012

Day 139:

Nov 16-Ode, typically an Ode has 3 stanzas, 10 lines each. Mainly iambic pentameter. ababcdecde. 8th line typically iambic trimester(6 syllables). 1st phrase strophe, intro subject. 2nd anti-strophe,  development/conflict. Last epode/conclusion. subject to honor or remember, like elegy/epitaph. Non-traditional any style/form. Different 3rd stanza=Pindaric Ode.  8 syllable epode. Some poems have been called odes, but do not fit the traditional form, known as the Horation form. Title: A Love Lost
O love, what did I do to lose you so?
To lose you now, o pitied loss to see.
Alone yea, once upon a time ago
Alone til meeting you, I felt such glee
A lovely lass with fine finesse I’d say
With hair so soft and with a certain style.
Your eyes of gorgeous blue, right then I knew
My heart you had that day
For you I’d walk for more than just a mile
For lightened as a feather I just flew.

But something happened causing you to go
My love was not enough, so you did flee
Such conflict, I had not foreseen to know
The tears, the ache, you wanted to be free
So different, in how we work and play
I tried to understand so not to rile
But you seemed not to give me any clue
The skies then turned to gray
Despite my efforts turning into bile
I wished for love to grow within us two.

My dear, I wish you well, your love to grow
If not for me, for one to love you, he.
One day the heart will mend, forgotten woe.
Deserving love, so understandably
I pray for happiness to come your way.
Forgotten are the aches in our love’s trial
Fond memories remain; no longer blue.
Your happiness, for this I pray.
In life apart we may be for awhile
In heaven joined with God, we’ll be made new.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Day 138:

Nov 15- Qene, “Wax” and “Gold”, 2 meanings, from Ethiopia. First an obvious meaning, then a hidden meaning, another sense witin the poem.

 A Qene poem melts with pride
The common is precious inside
African traditions abide.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Day 137:

Nov 14- Dream Song, Native American poetry, nature, general to specific, freestyle mostly.
Dream Song-
Slip ethereally through moonlight
Fauna and flora embrace souls
What is real and what is not?
The stars call us to dance with them.

trees hide the better views
the forest fields the foraging fauna
hunters hidden in huts
birds biding away while biting bugs
lovers longing
bless the trees!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Day 136:

Nov 13-another 13? I’m superstitious, are you? Here’s a hIaku commenting on the number. Title: 13
Who’s scared of thirteen?
Superstitious now abound.
Go on, knock on wood!

Day 135:

Nov 12- I recently saw a movie that moved me to write a poem. Since it involved a soldier’s life, I decided to place the poem after Veteran’s Day. Title: Last ounce of Freedom
Last ounce of Freedom
Last ounce of Courage
Last ounce of Purpose
Last ounce of Faith.

Is life only income?
Do we only forage?
Where is our compass
When facing the final wraith?

The fearful die alone
The brave stand true
What’s patriotism to you
In your last ounce of life?

The forces of darkness rule
Our freedoms they take away
Bread and circuses for us
It’s all that they say.

The huddled masses still come
They know freedom is still here
When the last bastion falls
Our enemies will then cheer.

But love and faith remain
It takes courage to take a stand
As long as there is breath in me
I will give Freedom a helping hand.

I will remember until death
That Freedom has a price
Blood spilt by past heroes
Are we men or are we mice?

Frightening is the enemy
They hide behind the truth
They deceive and plan destruction
And corrupt our country’s youth.

Is Patriotism merely holding a flag?
Is Freedom only a catch phrase?
Is a hero only a sandwich?
It’s time our country we raise.

Remember the deaths of patriots
Who knew the terrible cost
For posterity to live freely
Their lives had to be lost.

Remember these and their courage
Remember the phrases they said
Remember and fight the good fight
To honor the valiant dead.

Last ounce of Freedom
Last ounce of Courage
Last ounce of Purpose
Last ounce of Faith.

Day 134:

Nov 11- This Veteran’s Day, thought it best to honor the veterans with a poem.
Honoring the veteran in this small way
For everything they do, the price they pay
May you have a most joyous Veteran’s Day!

Day 133:

Nov 10-Englyn Lleddfbroest, dalgron except uses ae, oe, wy, ei diphthongs.
Don’t fake a Gaelic not fae
Seven syllables you tote
This Englyn’s diphthongs detail
Gentle half rhymes on tip toe.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Day 132:

Nov 9-Englyn Proest Dalgron, 4 7 syllable half rhymes.

This Dalgron contains half rhymes
Seven syllabled Englyn
This poem with four lines hides
A fancy writing Celtic.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Day 131:

Nov 8-Englyn Unodl Crwc, 4 lines:7, 7, 10, 6. Last syllable or 3rd line rhymes with 2nd, 3rd, or 4th syllable of last line.

Celtic poems are so cool
And turn you into a fool
But this Englyn takes as a tool a fine rhyme
So makes it a nice rule.

Day 130:

Nov 7- Englyn Proest Gad Wynog, 4 lines, each 7 syllables. The Form is abac. The b and c are half rhymes. the vowel sounds are the same.

Seven syllables to cheer
Englyn Proest Gad Wynog
Uses abac here
This last line half rhyme by a Scot.

Day 129:

Nov 6-I got fed up with people complaining, so for election day, here is a poem to encourage people to vote. Title: vote

The polls are open, come now take note
Despite the weather, put on your coat
Stop complaining, just go out and vote
Get trusted guides for our Nation’s boat.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Day 128:

Nov 5- Englyn Unodl Union, 1 rhyme, 4 lines: 10, 6, 7, 7. 1st line:7, 8, or 9 intro rhyme, repeated on last syllable of other 3 lines. Alliterates 1st and 2nd line.
Englyn Unodl Union is lined up
Four Celtic lines all find
Ten, six, seven, seven bind
One rhyme, the first line had signed.

Day 127:

Nov 4- Englyn Cyrch, 4 line poem, aaba.  7 syllables. In addition, b has an internal rhyme in the middle of the last line, between syllables 3-5. 
Seven syllables are fair
An Englyn Cyrch to prepare
Aaba and a rhyme
Inside to time it right there.

Day 126:

Nov 3- Englyn Penfyr, 3 lines, 10 syllables in 1st line, & 2 lines with 7 syllables.  1st line rhymes with the middle of  2nd line, & last 2 lines rhyme with each other. XXXXXX A  XXX A XX B   XXXXXX B
A Penfyr has ten syllables at first
Then seven burst just in time
To close this Englyn in rhyme.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Day 125:

Nov 2- Englyns, Celtics, Gaelic (Scotland,Ireland). 8  traditional Englyns, first:Englyn Milwr, 3 line poem with 7 syllables. aaa. Typically used for military poetry

This Englyn, tis Celtic knit
Seven syllables to fit
A monorhyme Milwr writ.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Double Sestina is extemely hard, If I placed a line in the wrong place, my apologies.
Day 124:


A time for war and there is time for peace
The circle of life brings out things oh so bright
A double edged sword is a balanced life
For what is but ahead of us but death?
To what can we ascribe to have delight?
The future: is it bright or is it dark?
Prepared for destiny and not the fall
The truth exists but some still seek what's false
Eternity call out beyond life's spring
Beware deceit and cling to what is true
Declare yourself as fit before the fight
And prove to life your duty, show you care.
The best of life is one that shows you care
To overcome the storm of life, show peace
No matter what the season, live like spring
While peaceful, sometimes you may have to fight
Because the greatest enemy means death
Sometimes to win there comes a time to fall
For after darkness, lo the sun grows bright
Beware deceptive living that is false
For what is there but truth that makes a life
For life with lies is hard, yes this is true
While living truthfully avoids the dark
Regrets are few, so try it with delight.
Rejoicing peacefully in pure delight
Believe in God's own personal care
Despite the fearsome dangers of the dark
Endurance toward fighting even death
Aware to balance triumph there's a fall
Longsuffering is part of having peace
Enlightenment most certainly is bright
What matters most is for eternal life
For life has seasons, tis entirely true
From Summer, Autumn, Winter, and the Spring
The times in life occasionally fight
Beware then anything that too is false.
Does life then test us as in true and false?
Or multiple like choices for delight?
Does winter snow doth thrill or leaves of fall?
Will spring bring sunshine bright or winter dark?
Alive, but what is life is one can't care?
Monotony, a life if one's not true
To self. A future fated to be bright
Yet failed by selfish motives turned from life
To worship death. Redeemed! Prepare to fight
Against the wiles of evil. Call for peace
The fight assured incited unto death
Inside your hearts! Return eternal spring!
Against the winter, generate the spring
The entropy thus weakens what is false
And sends the denizens into the dark
Thus leaving peacefully alive what's true.
The lion, the lamb, together brought in peace.
The great, the small, enlightenment so bright!
Eternally set free now, from the fall
The victory against defeated death!
Rejoicing now forever, endless life!
Before the great I Am, who shows His care
By sending sacrificial love's delight,
Defeating evil in the crucial fight!
Is life much more than finding who to fight?
Is living chosen only for the spring?
Are all so truly fated for the dark?
While some tis fated one day to be true
For others there is something more than death.
The faithful are fated a future bright
Beyond the fearful fated for their fall.
A life of love, a palace set for peace
Because they lived a life of showing care
Defending weak ones tempted by the false,
They give themselves away in true delight
Rejoicing for what lies ahead in life.
So what does make one choose to live their life?
Is life a war? Tis but an endless fight?
A war cannot continue. It must fall.
Such pride in self! A weakness til false,
For someone's always greater.  Best to care
For others. Joy in service leads to peace.
A life so dedicated is quite bright
"Look out for self" is proven not as true
As living selflessly in true delight.
The selfish dwelling helpless in the dark
Oh call them forth to wash clean in the spring.
Be clean! Be unafraid of pending death!
The sting and fear of many for one's death
Is one that sharpens focus on one's life.
For life on earth is not an endless spring
But seasons come and go as light and dark
For some it's wealth and pleasure to delight
And for a moment briefly this is true
But time decays their momentary peace
And nothing's left. So what is it you care
About? For how prepared are you to fight?
Philosophy will not avoid the fall.
For truth declared is right and not the false
You're born. You die. Between is life so bright!
Can life alone without a love be bright?
Companions, can they cheat the sting of death?
Togetherness, the place of great delight
The land of love, whose presence calls out peace
Can true companionship enhance one's life?
A friendship true. But many are so false
A friendship faux will hasten one's own fall
But friendship encourages faith that's true
The coil is tight; the trap is ripe to spring
A false companion flees before the fight
For friendship, what is that? They do not care.
Prepared, the chains deceptions have are dark.
Alone, one fears to walk on in the dark
But with a friend, the light it shines so bright
Alone, life is winter, but friendship spring
Companionship and love is made for life
Unfortunately evil turns it false
The enemy despises things of peace
For peace reminds the evil of their fall
from grace. Thus strife envisioned they delight
They scheme so proudly against all that's true
The purposed darkness' true desire is death
The enemy of life desires to fight
Until all hope is gone. So have a care.
A life of love declares a life of Care
The struggle then defines the light from dark
For who can love another if they're false?
Who can live knowing that their heart is death?
Declare to all about the truth of life!
In heavenly robes take on pure delight
Refresh yourself within eternal spring
The war will win for soldiers who are true
The banners gleam with colors oh so bright
The enemy declares against the peace
The truth prepares one truly for the fight
Enchanters and deceivers thus do fall.
The battle rages on, defeated fall
For victory's prepared for those who care
Defeat declared, retreating into dark
Demented dungeons, enemies of life!
For them, there is no hope  for them, no spring.
Eternal joy forever in delight
Eternal peace and truth and nothing false
Eternal life for there is no more death
The Lord prepared a place so truly bright
Rewarding place for those who stayed so true
No need to hurt, and never more to fight
Forgotten tears in this bright place of peace.
Before the great I Am, who shows His care
Embrace what's true, reject now what is false
Oh live in spring, beware who lives to fall
Avoid what's death, but choose the path of life
Avoid the dark, but tread the path so bright
For peace, the enemy then you must fight
Eternal joy forever in delight!