Monday, June 3, 2013

Day 338:

June 3-Hrynhent, Norse Skadic form, any number of quatrains,16 syllables lines, broken into half lines of 8 syllables(Octave), ending in Trochee(stresses, unstressed), each half line has 4 stressed and 4 unstressed syllables, with aBaB  rhyme scheme, where a is assonance, and slant rhyme, while B is true rhyme, internal rhyme is allowed. Kenning(Norse terms for items) is used. 
The Hrynhent is skaldic sent here
By Norsemen, four stressed, four unstressed
Quatrains made into half phrases
aBaB, kenning Sif’s Hair
Trochees close  off half line tokens
Assonance rolls by to hold on
Make Bait-Gallows and add capers
Twas aided not by a Care, bare.

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