Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Day 312:

May 8-the Drottkvaet, old Norse Skaldic meter, any # of quatrains, 12 syllable lines, typically broken into half lines, with  troche meter used at the end of the half line, aBaB rhyme scheme, with a using assonance, and B a true rhyme. Couplets linked by assonance, each half line has 3 stressed and three unstressed syllables. Two word metaphoric descriptions help give the feel of a riddle. Metaphors can be Kennings(Norse mythology used as metaphors).
I’ll show you by Troche
---you must have the know how
It’s a tricky one, my, my
---Twelve syllables to rhyme
This form stands alone, say
---like a riddle for now.
Make assonance fly high
---mind’s worth, you’re done in time.

BTW, I'm not sure, but someone said V.E. Day was today. oh well.

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