Monday, May 20, 2013

Day 324:
May 20- back to forms, Cinqtroisdecala, 15 syllable lines, rhyme scheme aabbcccabc, from Laura Lamarca

The Cinqtroisdecala is an interesting form to do
Fifteen syllables per line you must have to make the style true
Ten lines are rhyme for this single stanza poem to stand on
Aabbcccabc will make you its pawn
Lamarca invents such fascinating forms on which to play
It might be harder if it were more than one stanza at bay
But since it is just one, then anyone can try if they may
So now get out your dictionary and your thesaurus too
Count down each line and syllable until each of them is gone
Then you can say with the best of them that you did it your way.

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