Monday, December 31, 2012

Day 184:
Dec 31-New Year’s Eve, A poem for Celebrating. Title New Year’s Eve

New Year’s Eve
Cheer or grieve
Gone the past
Time went fast
Future hope
Easy slope
Time to leave
New Year’s Eve.

Day 183:

Dec 30- Byr A Thoddaid, short toddaid, Any number of quatrains of 2 couplets.  Series of cyhydedd fer couplets, add toddaid byr to stanza for texture to poem with break in rhythm. Can be reversed beginning  quatrain with toddaid byr, ending with cyhydedd fer. Shorter line of toddaid byr end rhymes with main rhyme of stanza. This form makes use of the gair cyrch in which main rhyme appears somewhere near the end of longer line & end word is a 2ndary rhyme. 2ndary rhyme echoed by alliteration or assonance in 1st half of the next line. stanzaic, written in any number of quatrains made up of 2 couplets,syllabic, either L1-L2 8 syllables, L3 10 syllables L4 6 syllables, or the couplets are reversed L1 10 syllables, L2 6 syllables, L3-L4 8 syllables. rhymed, either AAbA with the main rhyme A occurring somewhere near the end of L3 and the secondary rhyme b echoed by alliteration or assonance in the first half of L4 or the couplets are reversed bAAA. So Technically the Byr A Toddaid is a short Cyhyded with a Toddaid. This version has 2 couplets, 2 lines with 8 syllables, then a 10 syllable with internal rhyme and ends with a 6 syllable line with internal rhyme. Xxxxxxxa, xxxxxxxa, xxxxxxbxxxc, xcxxxb. A modified Byr A Thoddaid will have the Syllable count: 10, 6, 8, 8, 10, 6.

A Byr A Thoddaid type phrase
Eight syllable couplet thus phased
With ten and six, the Celtic type of verse
Reverse, just take your pick.
Day 182:

Dec 29-Let’s get back to some Celtic poetry. Clogyrnach, clog-ír-nach, 16th Welsh meter,  Awdl, associated with Cynddelw framed with cyhydedd fer couplet combined with longer form.  rarely used today. features of Clogymach are: stanzaic, written in any number of quintets, combining cyhydedd fer (rhymed couplet of 8 syllable lines) and tercet of 2 5 syllable lines followed by one 6 syllable line of 2 equal parts, 3 syllables each.rhymed, rhyme scheme AABBA. 1st phrase of L5 rhymes with previous line & 2nd phrase rhymes with cyhydedd fer couplet. flexible, L5 of cinquain can be added to end of L4 creating quatrain or broken into 2 separate lines creating a sixain.

x x x x x x x A
x x x x x x x A
x x x x B
x x x x B
x x B x x A

x x x x x x x A
x x x x x x x A
x x x x B
x x x x B
x x B
x x A
x x x x x x x A
x x x x x x x A
x x x x B
x x x x B x x B x x A

A Clogyrnach is Celtic made
Short Cyhydedd and short Toddaid
Internal rhyme here and nothing to fear
Get in gear, close and fade.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Day 181:

Dec 28- Surrealism, experiment. Make up words, or randomly pick from a book, magazine, newspaper, box of cereal, then make a poem out of those words. The following poem I took from random words and phrases from a couple of Astronomy books, and fit into a sonata like form, a,b,c,b,a. I alternated the syllable count  to be 6,8,6,8,6. Some surrealists take a single word or phrase, and randomly placed them within the poem. Some use dice to pick out the phrases. For example, I could have rolled the phrase “Cathedral stands great and small.” OR “Nature’s Diamond.” I limited the randomness to hopefully produce a meaningful poem. Title: Cosmos(#11,978)

 Across the great divide
Universes great and small
Can there be more than one?
Nature’s cathedral stands for all
Diamond skies on God’s side.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Day 180:
Dec 27-St. Stephen’s Day, another holiday. Here’s a poem celebrating this day.

Day of the Wren
Is also when
St. Stephen’s Day
And boxing day
A holiday
Feasting away
Along your kin.
Women and men
Celebrate then
For the day when
Martyred Stephen
Killed by bad men.
Mummers, Galway
Festival play
The Gaelic way
On this feast Day.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Day 179:

Dec 26-Kwanzaa celebrated this day. Here’s a poem for that holiday.
African Heritage to be observed
Unity, responsibility and faith that’s served.
Purpose, creativity and more
Seven principles are at its ‘core
The first fruits of the harvest make their way
To celebrate the Kwanzaa Holiday!

Day 178:

Dec 25-Merry Christmas! Here’s a holiday poem. Title: Christmas
May this holiday
Go truly your way
Just don’t make a fuss
And merry X-mas!

Day 177:

Dec 24-Christmas Eve, the time for Santa, so an appropriate poem for that as well. Title: Santa’s Coming
Okay kids, time for bed
Santa’s coming now
Wearing suit so red
Gifts galore and how!

Christmas Eve is here
Better be asleep!
Santa’s here, not a peep
Morning comes with cheer!

Day 176:

Dec 23-closing days of Advent. I noticed that earlier a holiday period called Advent started a few weeks before. It closes around Xmas time. So an appropriate poem to mind. Title: Advent thoughts
The coming
The promised
Wise men

Day 175:

Dec 22- Zuni and Hopi Purification Day. A time for renewal, a type of Native American New Year. A poem called Zuni Dance for consideration.
Zuni Purification Dance
Dancing the Old away
Fire in the homes
New Times

Friday, December 21, 2012

Day 174:

Dec 21-Winter Solstice. Several groups around the world celebrate this time. The Hindu celebrate Pan Da Ganapati, the Iranians have the Yalda Festival, The Zuni and Hopi  have the Soyad, the early Romans had Saturnalia, It is also called Mother’s Night.
Mother’s Night
Hopi’s Light
Mayan end of days.
Solstice mark
Winter dark
Celebrate your way.
If the end
Last I’ll spend
Heaven then I’ll stay.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Day 173:

Dec 20- Short toddaid, 10 syllables, then 6. Xxxxxxaxxb, xbxxxa.

A short Toddaid you can choose to amaze
This phrase, just don’t abuse.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Day 172:

Dec 19- Ember Day, Actually 4, are the days at the beginning of the seasons ordered by the Catholic Church, as days of fast and abstinence. Might as well have a poem for this holiday, so here goes.
More accurately called Advent Embertide.
Ember Day
Fast away
Abstain play
Worship Day

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Day 171:
Dec 18- modified Toddaid, if quatrain, xxxxaxxxxx, xxxaxxxb, xxxxcxxxxx, xxxcxxxb.

A fun way to show poetry’s fine style
Syllables know how it should work.

Another Toddaid, the Celtic’s cool way
Ten and nine make, the poet’s perk.

Dec 17- Thoddaid, A basic form, a couplet with 10 syllables followed by 9 syllables. A short modified form has 10 syllables followed by 6 syllables. Typical form as follows: xxxxxxxxbxx, xxxxbxxxa.

The Thoddaid is a basic Celtic form
Ten syllables tell at first then nine.
Assonance hosts a poet’s shell
Alliterate well to make it fine.

Day 169:

Dec 16-Heard that an important group of Educators siding with a number of publishing companies and widely reported by the liberal media as a groundbreaking positive effect for students. The report? The textbooks will now state that the Boston Tea Party was a terrorist act. Now, the British might consider it thus, but any freedom fighting group from France to India, South America, Africa and other democracies created as a result of this act of civil disobedience should disagree. While Americans have been short sighted about a great many things, we can be proud of the far reaching long range planning of the founding fathers. As it is appropriately stated, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.” Since today is the anniversary of this “Act of Terrorism”, it is only fitting to write a poem about it. Title: Freedom

The word brings joy and terror.
Joy to those who have experienced it after a life of slavery.
Terror to those who have been discovered to act against it.
A brave band of civilians stood against an empire.
Freedom from oppression was the cause.
The odds were against them, but they were the emblem
Of a new concept brought to civilization.
Terrorists? Freedom fighters? Patriots?
Civil disobedience to teach others throughout history.
Day 168:
Dec 15-Today was the day when the Bill of Rights became a part of the U.S. Constitution. History shows that these first ten amendments gave more power to the people, and hailed throughout the world as the first sign for people to come to a free land. A poem now for this special document. Title Freedom Pages

Freedom Pages
People with power
Government of the people
Freedom remembered
A law for, by, and of the people
Let Freedom ring!

 Another item for your consideration: Today is also National Wreath Day, where those who lost their lives defending this country had wreaths placed upon their graves. The killings in Connecticut also brought this poem into focus, for the brave teachers who defended the innocent children. Wreaths were placed in special prominence at the school for remembering those that died.

Remembering those that fell
Lay the wreath and ring the bell.
The brave sacrificed for all
Salute who answered the call.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Day 167:

Dec 14- Hir a Thoddaid, heer-ah-thódd-eyed (long stanza with toddaid), 22nd Meter,Most common. Eisteddfod. Theme: memorial, eulogy. Hir a thoddaid: stanzaic, any # of sixains of mono-rhymed quatrain followed by Toddaid couplet. syllabic, lines 1-5 written 10 syllable lines & L6 is 9 syllable line. rhymed, rhyme scheme AAAAAbA main rhyme echoed late in L5, 2ndary rhyme gair cyrch echoed somewhere in 1st half of L6. Sometimes just 4 10 syllable lines. Rhyme Pattern: a, a, (a) b (the internal rhyme a can come on the seventh, eighth or ninth syllable), a.
Note: form can be modified by adding extra versions of the first couplet between the first couplet still keeping the second couplet for the end. Remember that last 10 syllable line and 9 syllable line appears like the following. Xxxxxxbxxx, xxxxbxxxxa, after 10 syllables ending in a.

The Hir A Thoddaid is the Celtic phrase
Ten syllabled form lines, it’s all the craze
Take four monorhymed lines and make it blaze
Add any numbered phrases you can raise
A special poem you see, and can do
Now try it with glee, then close this phrase.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Day 166:

Dec 13-for those superstitious types, here is a haiku for you: Title: Superstitious

Oh my, it’s thirteen
Superstitions wander by
Will you knock on wood?

Day 165:

Dec 12-Gwawdodyn Hir, or long Gwawdodyn, , gwow-dód-in heer (gwawd means poem - hir means long), 21st Welsh Meters, an Awdl, elongation of Gwawdodyn. toddaid or cyhydedd hir couplet preceded by 2 or more cyhydedd naw ban couplets is called long or hir.
Gwawdodyn hir is:  stanzaic, the length of which is established by the number of
Cyhydedd Naw Ban couplets followed by a Toddaid couplet or a Cyhydedd Hir couplet. syllabic, 9 syllable lines in cyhydedd na ban couplets & combination of 10-9 syllables in last couplet. rhymed, cyhydedd naw ban couplets-  monorhymed, rhyme scheme of added cyhydedd hir or toddaid couplets must remain consistent w/ main rhyme. last syllable of  9 syllable line carries linking rhyme to end syllable in succeeding stanzas. 6 line stanzas, 4 nine syllabled a, and a doddaid, 10 syllables, then 6 syllables. Syllable count per line: 9, 9, 9, 9, 10 (sometimes split into 5+5), 9. Rhyme Pattern: a, a, a, a, (a) + b (internal rhyme a can come on 7th, 8th or 9th syllable), (b) +a (the internal rhyme b comes in middle of the line). Remember: with this and any other Celtic form, there may include with the rhyme extensive alliteration or assonance.

A Gwawdodyn Hir sounds silly I know
Nine silly bulls four times in a row
A doddaid follows to fit the flow
A Celtic poem’s the way to go
Alliterate, rhymes to fit, Celtic line
A fine assonant wit.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Day 164:

Dec 11-Gwawdodyn, gwow-dód-in-heer (gwad = poem) 20th codified, Official Welsh Meter, an Awdl. combination of cyhydded naw ban couplet followed by either a toddaid or cyhydedd hir couplet. is stanzaic, written in any # of quatrains of a Cyhydedd Naw Ban couplet followed by either a Toddaid or Cyhydedd Hir. syllabic, L1,L2,L4 are 9 syllable lines & L3 is 10 syllable line. rhymed, rhyme scheme end rhyme w/ cyhydedd hir AABC or w/ Toddaid AABC w/ main rhyme B echoed in 1st half of L4. end rhyme of L4 repeated in L4 of subsequent stanzas. Syllable count per line: 9, 9, 10 (sometimes split into 5+5), 6
Rhyme Pattern: a, a, (a) + b (the internal rhyme a can come on the seventh, eighth or ninth syllable), (b) +a (the internal rhyme b comes in the middle of the line).
9 syllable couplets, 4 line stanzas. Toddaid typically ending. Sometimes switch back and forth with 9 syllable a, 9 syllable a, 10 syllable with internal rhyme, ending in 6 syllable internal and extrnal rhyme.
Xxxxxxxxa, xxxxxxxxa, xxxxxxbxxc, xcxxxb.

A gwawdodyn is a Celtic phrase
Nine syllables start the poet’s praise
Or reverse the couplets here. Stanzas grow
A doddaid’s rhyme show cheer!

Day 163:

Dec 10-Adjusted Byr A thoddaid, this one has the syllable count 10, 6, 8, 8, 10, 6.

Another Bur Thoddaid here to amuse
Now choose which one to cheer
Mix and match these Celtic rhyme schemes
Make them short or burst at the seams
The closing is very near, it’s not a ruse
This muse helps, do not fear.

Day 162:

Dec 9-Chanukah, or as we gentiles call it Hanukah. I wrote this for my Jewish friends. Here is a Happy Hanukah Haiku!

Jewish Holiday
Celebrating Hanukah
Seven days of lights.

Day 161;

Dec 8-We’ve made note of various holidays. Today is the Buddhist holiday known as Bodhi Day, the day Buddhists say Buddha gained enlightenment. In a way, poets explore their own form of enlightenment, inspiration, or what have you. Here is a poem called Enlightened.

Reaching heights
Reaching out

Friday, December 7, 2012

Day 160:

Dec 7-In honor of Pearl Harbor Day, this poem: Pearl Harbor
A calm morning was broken
By planes tearing through the sky
December Seven, the day
Infamy was the loud cry
May we never do forget
The sad loss that came our way
Salute the fallen, my friends
Always remember that day.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Day 159:

Dec 6- Rhupunt Hir- 3 lines, 12 syllables, broken into 4 each aab, aab
Do not stress it, Rhupunt Hir wit is standard rhyme.
Have a permit? Twelve then beat it, syllable time!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Day 158:

Dec 5- Rhupunt Byr, a short Rhupunt, 2 lines, 8 syllables, broken into 4 each, bbba. Typically merged.
Rhupunt Byr see, short as can be. Count out, it’s free, syllables eight.
A Celtic phrase, try it for praise. Status you’ll raise now choose your fate.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Day 157:

Dec 4-Cyrch a cywta, Celtic, stanza of eight 7 syllable lines. The first 6 monorhyme, lines 7 and 8 similar to Awdl gywydd couplet. Xxxxxxa, xxxxxxa, xxxxxxa, xxxxxxa, xxxxxxa, xxxxxxb, xxbxxxa.

The cyrch a cywta is great
Seven syllables the rate
Count the lines, the phrase in eight
First six use a, take the bait
The last two a couplet’s gait
Awdl gywydd ends the slate
Line seven end on a b
You will see, it’s fine, don’t wait.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Day 156:

Dec 3-cyhydedd naw ban, monorhymed, rhyme scheme of added cyhydedd hir or toddaid couplets must remain consistent w/ main rhyme. last syllable of  9 syllable line carries linking rhyme to end syllable in succeeding stanzas. XXXXXXXXa, XXXXXXXXa, XXXXXXXXa. OR XXXXXXXXa(4 lines) Some have added other Celtic forms such as Toddaid[x x x x x x x B x x/ x x x x B x x x C], or Cyhydedd hir[x x x x x A x x x B/ x x x x B x x x C to merge with it. Celtic.
The cyhydedd naw ban is real fine
Nine syllables must rhyme in each line
Make them like couplets to close the sign.

Day 155:

Dec 2-ok, let’s get back to some Celtic poetic forms. Cyhydedd hir(pronounced Heer), most often written as a couplet following other metered couplets within a stanza.Cyhydedd Hir is: any number of lines of 19 syllables divided into 3 rhymed 5 syllable phrases ending in 4 syllable phrase carrying linking rhyme to next line.or written as couplet of 10 syllable line & 9 syllable line. 5th &10th syllables of 10 syllable line echoed in rhyme mid line of 9 syllable line which carries linking end-rhyme echoed in end syllable of each succeeding couplet or stanza. or couplet can be separated at the rhyme, into tercet or quatrain. Most typically the hir consists of an 8 line stanza with 2 quatrains. Each quatrain has 3 lines of 5 syllables and carry the same rhyme, b,b,b, c,c,c, etc. the fourth line is 4 syllables and carries main rhyme, A, B, etc. sometimes the quatrain rhyme is written as a single 19 syllable line. Eacch stanza would then revert back to a series of 19 syllable couplets. Xxxxb, xxxxb, xxxxb, xxxa, xxxxc, xxxxc, xxxxxc, xxxa/ xxxxd, xxxxd, xxxxd, xxxb, xxxxe, xxxxe, xxxxe, xxxb,  etc.
Are syllables four?
B has to be more
Five clears out the floor.
Cyhydedd hir.
The lines will combine
To make stanzas fine
Now fill out each line
And give a cheer.

Syllables nineteen
Combine for this scene
Two quatrains this clean
Put it in store.
A fine Celtic way
Poems that can play
You’ve now had your say
Now close the door.

Day 154:

Dec 1-In honor of another month, this poem. Title: A New Day
A New Day
Bright and blessed
Resurrected month
The continued cycle
The phoenix reborn
Rise and renew
Dawn declared
Another first.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Day 153:

Nov 30-The last day of the month. November has reached its’ termination. Morbid perhaps, but reality reveals our mortality. Most of us live like a coin. We enter the world heads first, then the rest of our lives our feet are in the grave. The tail end of our lives is waiting. We live on the edge of the coin of life, waiting for it to fall. In the spirit of this time of the month, this poem. Title: Last Day
What will you do on your last day?
What are the last words that you’ll say?
Life is fleeting, death comes our way
Did you think forever you’d stay?
Prepare to close this one act play
For we are nothing but the clay
The potter has made for today.
So live aright in sunshine’s ray
Sing praises and also to pray
This may sound gloomy, the skies grey
One day the bill comes we’re to pay
What will you do on your last day?

Day 152:

Nov 29-Cyhydedd fer, a stanzaic Awdl. Couplets in rhymed 8 syllable lines. Less used by Welsh who prefer 7 syllable lines.  Often multiplied into long stanzas all carrying  same rhyme. Celtic.
The Cyhydedd fer is: written in any number of rhymed couplets. made up of 8 syllable lines.rhymed aa bb cc dd etc. can be used as a series of couplet stanzas similar to the ghazal, or as a header or tail with other forms ie. Toddaid. Can be expanded by using last word of previous stanza to be first word of next stanza/couplet.
Cyhydedd fer couplets do work
Eight syllables each make it perk.

Perk up to make it longer still
Stressed or non-stressed syllables fill.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Day 151:

Nov 28-Tawddgyrch Cadwynog, one of the Celtic Awdl forms. written in any number of quatrains. Each quatrain can become one line, or 2 lines. syllabic, of 4 syllable lines. rhymed, rhyme scheme ABBC. chained, last word of the stanza is 1st word of  next stanza. an alternative frame is that this meter can be written similar to rhupunt in a single line that can be flexible and include 3, 4 or 5 sections of 4 syllables each rather than be limited to only 4 sections or the quatrain as shown above. XXXAXXXBXXXBXXXA

XXXAXXXBXXXBXXXA. Can be broken down into various lines.
Cadwynog here, Tawddgyrch for you; Four lines to d, syllables cheer
Count four, you’re near, here is a clue; ab’s the glue, reverse, you’re clear!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Day 150:

Nov 27-Arabic Takhmis on an earlier poem about writer’s block. The last lines come from that poem.

A dark curse to all writers; a writer’s block causes great pain.
The mind stumbles and falls down flat; even thinking is a huge strain.
So what causes this terrible toll? It is an ache to me poor brain.
I just had that old writer’s block, why not write about my brain lock?

There are treatments to help writers, things to set the mind truly free.
The inner editor at ease, creativity then can see
Tis a temporary trouble, yes, it even happened to me.
If you ever have writer’s block, hang in there, you can write again.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Day 149:

Nov 26-Takhmis, Arabic or Sahili versions. Typically lyrical or narrative devotion/meditation. Arabic: 2 phrases of 5 hemistichs, last 2 adapted on earlier poem. Aaaax bbbbx where x is unrhymed. Swahili no limit to phrases. At least 15 syllables. The Swahili form was chosen for today. Title: Symbols
Symbols of devotion; writing all those love notes
Symbols of loving care; laying on the ground coats
Symbols of pure romance; rowing along in boats
Observe the loving pair, romance is in the air.

Actions of devotion; easy for one to see
Actions of pure romance; writing love poetry
Actions of loving care; a kiss we all agree
Will show one passionate, toward someone they love.

Day 148:

Nov 25-Parolina, take a nursery rhyme, break each line down, adding 3 lines to make quatrain phrases, sometimes using a poem from another poet, then expanding each line into a quatrain. Title: Itsy Bitsy Spider
The itsy bitsy spider climbed up the water spout
The tiny arachnid was determined to reach home
A place to rest and a place to care for its’ own young
But in order to feed the young ones one had to roam.

Down came the rain and washed the spider out
The deluge of water caused such a flood
The torrent carried the bug far away
And the poor spider landed in the mud.

Out came the sun and dried up all the rain
The warmth calmed the spider and gave it hope
The renewed bug crawled out of the dried mud
And sped towards the angled metal slope.

And the itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again
The tiny arachnid hoped to see its young safe and sound
Certain that the little ones would be anxious with hunger
On the way, the spider brought along food that it had found.

Day 147:

Nov 24-Shi, Chinese form, typically 5 or 7 syllables. 4 or 8 lines. Even numbered lines rhyme. Caesura before last 3 syllables. Starting with second couplet, verbal parallelism.
What is a Shi? Chinese verse.
Count up the sounds. Odd per line.
Syllables count. Seven, sure
Perhaps five will do. Make your sign.
Even lines will rhyme. Couplets work.
Four or eight lines rhyme, pairs are fine.
A caesura stops. Three finish.
Try to make yours great. This is mine.

Day 146:

Nov 23-Abecedarian, acrostic where letters begin each line, see Psalm 119. Sections can start with the same letter, not necessary to rhyme. No set syllable count, dependent entirely upon the poet. Psalm Abecedarian poetry uses parallelism, repeating in a similar wording the basic text.
Another poem for you
Because it must be set true
Conditions must be set right
Decide to set the mood light.
Every line need not rhyme
Fitting syllables in time
Get letters prepared to go
Have your fine alphabet show
Interesting enjambment
Killing time? Go ahead then
Let the poet use the pen.
Many poems can be writ
Not many like this can fit
Opposing forces like to
Press their advantage on you.
Questions arise to hinder
Rise above the black cinder
Stay the course, you’re almost done
The alphabet can be won.
Umbrellas cover the head
Very wet if you’re in bed!
What a sound there in the band
Xylophones give them a hand.
You’re done now so take a break
Zoo trips are fun trips to take!

Day 145:

Nov 22-Thanksgiving. Here’s a poem celebrating this holiday. Title: Thanksgiving
Celebrating remembrance
Caring family
Clinking glasses
Carving meat
Classic dishes
Cheering sports
Children playing.
Can you think of other blessings?
A time to be thankful.
So much has been given
So much has been provided
Satisfied by the past’s sacrifice
Sanctified by faithful fathers
Suckled by loving mothers
Seek to remember while feasting.
Start preparing for one’s own posterity.