Day 169:
Dec 16-Heard that an important group of Educators siding with a number of
publishing companies and widely reported by the liberal media as a
groundbreaking positive effect for students. The report? The textbooks will now
state that the Boston Tea Party was a terrorist act. Now, the British might
consider it thus, but any freedom fighting group from France to India, South
America, Africa and other democracies created as a result of this act of civil
disobedience should disagree. While Americans have been short sighted about a
great many things, we can be proud of the far reaching long range planning of
the founding fathers. As it is appropriately stated, “Freedom is never more
than one generation away from extinction.” Since today is the anniversary of
this “Act of Terrorism”, it is only fitting to write a poem about it. Title:
The word brings joy and terror.Joy to those who have experienced it after a life of slavery.
Terror to those who have been discovered to act against it.
A brave band of civilians stood against an empire.
Freedom from oppression was the cause.
The odds were against them, but they were the emblem
Of a new concept brought to civilization.
Terrorists? Freedom fighters? Patriots?
Civil disobedience to teach others throughout history.
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