Friday, December 14, 2012

Day 167:

Dec 14- Hir a Thoddaid, heer-ah-thódd-eyed (long stanza with toddaid), 22nd Meter,Most common. Eisteddfod. Theme: memorial, eulogy. Hir a thoddaid: stanzaic, any # of sixains of mono-rhymed quatrain followed by Toddaid couplet. syllabic, lines 1-5 written 10 syllable lines & L6 is 9 syllable line. rhymed, rhyme scheme AAAAAbA main rhyme echoed late in L5, 2ndary rhyme gair cyrch echoed somewhere in 1st half of L6. Sometimes just 4 10 syllable lines. Rhyme Pattern: a, a, (a) b (the internal rhyme a can come on the seventh, eighth or ninth syllable), a.
Note: form can be modified by adding extra versions of the first couplet between the first couplet still keeping the second couplet for the end. Remember that last 10 syllable line and 9 syllable line appears like the following. Xxxxxxbxxx, xxxxbxxxxa, after 10 syllables ending in a.

The Hir A Thoddaid is the Celtic phrase
Ten syllabled form lines, it’s all the craze
Take four monorhymed lines and make it blaze
Add any numbered phrases you can raise
A special poem you see, and can do
Now try it with glee, then close this phrase.

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