Monday, December 3, 2012

Day 155:

Dec 2-ok, let’s get back to some Celtic poetic forms. Cyhydedd hir(pronounced Heer), most often written as a couplet following other metered couplets within a stanza.Cyhydedd Hir is: any number of lines of 19 syllables divided into 3 rhymed 5 syllable phrases ending in 4 syllable phrase carrying linking rhyme to next line.or written as couplet of 10 syllable line & 9 syllable line. 5th &10th syllables of 10 syllable line echoed in rhyme mid line of 9 syllable line which carries linking end-rhyme echoed in end syllable of each succeeding couplet or stanza. or couplet can be separated at the rhyme, into tercet or quatrain. Most typically the hir consists of an 8 line stanza with 2 quatrains. Each quatrain has 3 lines of 5 syllables and carry the same rhyme, b,b,b, c,c,c, etc. the fourth line is 4 syllables and carries main rhyme, A, B, etc. sometimes the quatrain rhyme is written as a single 19 syllable line. Eacch stanza would then revert back to a series of 19 syllable couplets. Xxxxb, xxxxb, xxxxb, xxxa, xxxxc, xxxxc, xxxxxc, xxxa/ xxxxd, xxxxd, xxxxd, xxxb, xxxxe, xxxxe, xxxxe, xxxb,  etc.
Are syllables four?
B has to be more
Five clears out the floor.
Cyhydedd hir.
The lines will combine
To make stanzas fine
Now fill out each line
And give a cheer.

Syllables nineteen
Combine for this scene
Two quatrains this clean
Put it in store.
A fine Celtic way
Poems that can play
You’ve now had your say
Now close the door.

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