Thursday, December 13, 2012

Day 165:

Dec 12-Gwawdodyn Hir, or long Gwawdodyn, , gwow-dód-in heer (gwawd means poem - hir means long), 21st Welsh Meters, an Awdl, elongation of Gwawdodyn. toddaid or cyhydedd hir couplet preceded by 2 or more cyhydedd naw ban couplets is called long or hir.
Gwawdodyn hir is:  stanzaic, the length of which is established by the number of
Cyhydedd Naw Ban couplets followed by a Toddaid couplet or a Cyhydedd Hir couplet. syllabic, 9 syllable lines in cyhydedd na ban couplets & combination of 10-9 syllables in last couplet. rhymed, cyhydedd naw ban couplets-  monorhymed, rhyme scheme of added cyhydedd hir or toddaid couplets must remain consistent w/ main rhyme. last syllable of  9 syllable line carries linking rhyme to end syllable in succeeding stanzas. 6 line stanzas, 4 nine syllabled a, and a doddaid, 10 syllables, then 6 syllables. Syllable count per line: 9, 9, 9, 9, 10 (sometimes split into 5+5), 9. Rhyme Pattern: a, a, a, a, (a) + b (internal rhyme a can come on 7th, 8th or 9th syllable), (b) +a (the internal rhyme b comes in middle of the line). Remember: with this and any other Celtic form, there may include with the rhyme extensive alliteration or assonance.

A Gwawdodyn Hir sounds silly I know
Nine silly bulls four times in a row
A doddaid follows to fit the flow
A Celtic poem’s the way to go
Alliterate, rhymes to fit, Celtic line
A fine assonant wit.

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